Some tools can be accessed by expanding the Styles tab and clicking Apply Styles. You may apply headings using Styles in the tool ribbon or using the Key commands Ctrl+Alt+1 (Windows) manuscripts can be submitted as Word (DOC or DOCX) or rich text format (RTF). But, with very minor modifications, they can be used for Office 2016 for Mac and Office 2010 for Windows as well. Although many of our journals have the basic elements of style in common.
Note: The instructions below are mainly based on Office 2013 for Windows. This includes modifications needed for a low vision student or a student with other reading/visual processing issues. to globally modify content by changing one Style setting.export to a tagged PDF or to an InDesign template)
Modifying “Styles” in a Word document is a good technique to use the formatting tools in Word, while creating more accessible content.